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If you own a vehicle that was made after the mid-1990s, then there is a good chance that your vehicle’s key is a special type of key known as a transponder key. Transponder keys are primarily used for safety and anti-theft purposes. They are excellent devices that help make sure vehicle owners remain the sole operators of their vehicles and do not have to worry about their car being stolen or hot-wired.
How exactly do transponder keys prevent theft and increase vehicle safety? Transponder keys are programmed specifically to an individual’s vehicle. Each car that is outfitted with a transponder key will have a chip inside of the key itself, as well as a corresponding transponder chip within the car. These two chips recognize and communicate with one another whenever they are in close proximity. In order for one to get their car to start, the transponder key must be properly programmed and present.
With this system in place, it is impossible for someone to hotwire your car and steal it as they might with a vehicle that has a traditional key system. The transponder system will not allow the car to start under any circumstances if the proper key is missing or a connection between the two signals cannot be established.
Because the ability to operate your vehicle relies on the transponder system running smoothly, you will want to address any problems you are experiencing with your transponder key as soon as possible. Know that transponder key issues can sometimes mimic other vehicle problems, such as a dead battery, but it is always worth investigating whether or not your transponder key is the source of the problem first. Consider if you are experiencing any of the following problems listed below with your transponder key and find out how you can get yours replaced or reprogrammed quickly and affordably.
Of course, if your transponder key is missing, you will not be able to start your car. You will likely be stranded in your driveway, garage, or some other location because you will be unable to move your car. The other issue with a lost transponder key is that any spare vehicle key you have is unlikely to work. Spare vehicle keys that have not been programmed to your vehicle’s transponder system will be useless to you when it comes to actually starting the car. Extra vehicle keys you have may be helpful when it comes to locking or unlocking the glovebox, doors, and trunk, but will be ineffective at starting the vehicle.
If you have your transponder key in hand, but find that your car will not start, there are likely two potential problems. It is possible that the chip inside of your transponder key has worn out or become damaged in some way. Additionally, it is also possible that the transponder chip inside of your car is no longer working properly. Regardless of which part of the transponder system may not be behaving, unless both can provide a clear signal to the other, you will not be able to start your car.
Unlike regular keys that may be able to be bent back into place or adjusted, transponder keys are not so easily fixed. If a portion of your key is visibly bent, broken, or experiencing some other mishap, this can affect the chip inside of the key. Any damage to the outside of the key may cause the chip in the head of the key to move out of place or deactivate altogether. Know that sometimes, you may not be able to tell if there is any damage to your transponder key. Moisture, general wear and tear, and use over time can all cause a transponder key to suddenly stop working. Your key may appear fine, but it is possible something has been damaged inside of the key that is interfering with the transponder signal function.
Professional assistance should always be sought out if you are having issues with your transponder key. Due to the programming they require, it is best to let someone with prior experience help set you up with a new transponder key. One of the quickest and most effective ways to receive the repair or replacement you need is to contact a mobile locksmith.
A mobile locksmith is the best service to rely on when it comes to vehicle key changes and other problems. Mobile locksmiths have the ability to travel right to where their customers are and perform a variety of tasks. On-site assistance from a professional is always preferred over hiring a tow truck to take you to a dealership. This is why it is recommended that you choose to work with a mobile locksmith. You will save time, money, and a lot of hassle. Mobile locksmiths are more efficient and effective when it comes to vehicle lock and key repairs and replacements. For any issues you have with your transponder key, turn to an experienced mobile locksmith in your area for help.
My Top Locksmith, LLC in Sandy Springs, GA offers 24-hour mobile locksmithing services and repairs in order to accommodate all of your vehicle locksmithing emergencies and concerns. Whether you need a new transponder key programmed, assistance with a vehicle lockout, or new locks placed on your vehicle, our experienced locksmiths can do it all! We have been helping vehicle drivers in and around Sandy Springs receive the immediate and professional locksmithing services they need, right where they need them. With our mobile locksmithing services, we can meet you right on-site to take care of all of your lock and key requests. My Top Locksmith, LLC also services home, commercial, and emergency locksmithing requests 24/7. Give our trusted team a call now!